Tax Consulting
At HLB Mann Judd Fiji, we have a good team who are not only well versed with the Fiji tax laws but also understand the practical implications of these tax policies on businesses in Fiji. With the aim of keeping all our customers up to date with all relevant tax policy changes.
HLB is a registered tax agent in Fiji. We can help you better understand the relevant tax policies and incentives that are available and how best they can be best utilised. In addition, we can ensure that you meet your tax obligations on time and in a tax compliant manner.
Tax Planning
There are a multitude of tax incentives for the benefit of businesses and investors to grow and develop while legally minimising their tax position. Careful and advance tax planning is strongly advised and our tax team can assist. Note the importance of advance planning because obtaining retrospective tax incentive approvals are hard to secure.
Tax Compliance
The Fiji Revenue and Customs Services (FRCS) was established under the FRCS Act 1998 is the statutory organisation that is mandated by the Government of Fiji to collect taxes and duties on behalf of the Fijian government.
Being tax compliant is a fundamental part of operating a business in Fiji. At HLB we can ensure:
- All tax returns are submitted correctly and on time;
- All payments that are needed to be made to FRCS are done within the stipulated timeframe given by FRCS and;
- We will also ensure that you and/or your business is paying or is being refunded the correct tax.
A tax compliance certificate (valid for 12 months or until the end of the calendar year) is usually granted to the taxpayer once a taxpayer is cleared for tax compliance purposes.
If you need either a tax compliance certificate or a tax clearance certificate, our tax team at HLB can arrange this for you.
Tax Audits
Being audited by the tax office is generally a time consuming and frustrating exercise, which can last months. FRCS, in its bid to curb fraudulent taxpayer behaviour, conducts regular desk and onsite audits to ensure taxpayers are declaring the correct amount of tax that is due.
It is therefore imperative that every taxpayer maintains accurate and detailed records, for at least 7 years, so that any tax audit is dealt with as expeditiously as possible.
At HLB Mann Judd Fiji, we endeavour to assist our clients each year with filing complete tax returns as possible and we gather pertinent information for our files should an audit arise. Our aim is to mitigate the possible problems facing clients before any audit is requested. We believe that is always prudent to ensure that all your tax records are in order.
Talk to us now if you or your business is being audited and we will guide and assist you to ensure you or your business becomes tax compliant.
International Tax Matters
We are proud members of HLB, the global advisory and accounting network. Through the power of 32,839 professionals across 159 countries, we combine local expertise and global capabilities to service your international tax needs.
Our dynamic team based globally gives us the ability to ensure that we provide you the assistance that you will need. We are Tax Agents beyond borders and we will take the time needed to understand your business needs and how best we can assist you to comply with the local tax regulations.
Talk to us now and let us start planning your next global breakthrough.
Tax Newsletters
With the continuous need to make tax laws and legislations more practical and relevant to this modern era, tax regulators and policy makers continue to develop and further enhance existing legislations to meet the current shift in the way businesses are conducted globally.
Fiji is no exception and, in an effort to ensure that all our customers are informed on time and in detail about any changes with regards to the tax laws and legislations, our enthusiastic Tax team send out newsletters as soon as a new change is announced.
The newsletters are emailed to all our clients and other interested stakeholders and we encourage all recipients of the newsletter to feel free and contact us if they need further clarifications on any of the contents published in the newsletter.

Get in touch to request
a proposal from our tax team
Our expertise
Tax compliance and planning
Capital Gains Tax and Fringe Benefits Tax
Service and Turnover Tax (STT)
Tax incentives
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Environmental Climate and Adaptation Levy (ECAL)
Tax audits
Social Responsibility Tax (SRT)
Featured insights
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